sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014

La France

A relevância da França está numa fase de apagamento. Quando fez uma tentativa de se colocar em bicos dos pés sobre o projecto do orçamento de 2015, o ministro das finanças francês recebeu de uma carta de Bruxelas onde num tom de soberano para vassalo, onde não lhe reconhecia qualquer veleidade com vista à desobediência. O governo francês evitou que o conteúdo da carta se tornasse público, mas não conseguiu evitá-lo. Os argumentos do texto mostram a fraca influência da França nas instâncias europeias. Eis o teor da carta assinada pelo comissário Jyrki Katainen.
""Dear Minister: First and foremost, I would like to thank you for the submission of France’s Draft Budgetary Plan (DBP) for 2015, which we received on 15 October. Based on the submission by France, the DBP itself does not plan to bring the general government deficit below the 3 % of GDP Treaty reference value by 2015, the deadline set by the Council in its recommendation of 21 June 2013 with a view to bringing an end to the situation of an excessive government deficit in France. According to our preliminary analysis – confirmed on the basis of the recalculation by the Commission services using the commonly agreed methodology – the adjustment in the structural deficit is expected to be well below the level recommended. In that respect, there is a strong indication that the DBP for 2015 plans a breach of the budgetary policy obligations which stem from the Council recommendation under the excessive deficit procedure. Against this background, further exchanges of information have already taken place between your services and the Commission..."

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