domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2015

O icebergue

Marc Faber: "My belief is that the big surprise this year is that investor confidence in central banks collapses. And when that happens -I can’t short central banks, although I’d really like to, and the only way to short them is to go long gold, silver and platinum...We simply have highly inflated asset markets. Real estate is high, stocks are high, bonds are high, art prices are high, and interest rates and short-term deposits are basically zero... The only sector that I think is very inexpensive is precious metals, and in particularly precious-metals stocks...It’s going to end in a complete disaster. But, we have to distinguish – the disaster may not happen for five to ten years. But we’re heading into an iceberg. And, what will eventually happen is that the population will suffer very badly from inflation and declining real wages." (O investidor suíço insiste no colapso e eu acredito. O Titanic vai chocar no icebergue. Mas os tontos continuam contentinhos e sonhadores)

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