sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

Marc Faber

Marc Faber diz que o Euro vai sobreviver, mas de uma maneira diferente do seu estado actual. "We don’t know how the world will look in five or ten years´time but I would say that I believe the euro will survive. Now the question is, in what form? Maybe there will be a euro like a US dollar, we have a US dollar, and maybe some countries like Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain will no longer use the euro and will have essentially gone back to their local currencies. It could be, maybe not. Because you understand, the typical Italian, Spaniard and Greek, he knows very well: we leave the EU, our pensions will be paid in local currency and that will be much less than what we get now..." O investidor suíço afirma ainda que "o melhor cenário para a Grécia seria deixar o Euro e voltá sua antiga moeda". E explica porquê, (A imagem é um trabalho do artista Jack Pierson)

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