domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

Islândia mais FMI

"The end of the programme means not only that loan payments to Iceland are now complete and no further IMF funding is expected; it also means that the IMF’s permanent presence in Reykjavik and its strong influence on government policy will also come to an end.
The ministers continued that as well as lowering unemployment, Icelanders’ domestic purchasing power is also increasing again and has not been higher since the crash.
According to the government, Iceland’s co-operation with the IMF has strongly emphasised the achievement of results in core areas. Financial stability has been regained. The financial sector has been revived and restructured. State finances have been stabilised through spending cuts and tax rises and the state’s increasing renewed respectability on international markets has been illustrated by June’s successful bond issue, ministers say".

Não se fala do sucesso da Islândia. Depois do Stand-By-Arrangement que terminou em Setembro de 2011, o país vai no bom caminho. O FMI entrou com 2,25 biliões de dólares e acompanhou a implementação do programa até ao fim. Porque é que isto é escamoteado?

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