quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2013

John Currin

A pintura com o título de Bea Arthur Naked do artista plástico John Currin foi vendida ontem à noite num leilão da Christie`s em Nova Iorque por um milhão e novecenta mil dólares (1,9). No entanto esta soma ficou abaixo das expectativas, já que as obras deste artista altamente cotado já ultrapassaram os quatro milhões. "...It’s a huge thing when people realize across the culture that paper money is paper. And that there’s no fixed value—it’s all political. That all value is set by a political authority, basically... And there is, literally and figuratively, not a gold standard. That’s almost as big a problem in art as in the financial world. How do you affix a value to something that only has value because a certain number of people agree to believe in that value?" (John Currin)

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