sábado, 18 de maio de 2013


"...The ECB provides enough stimulus to get all of the Eurozone going but it all leaks to Germany. Fine. The German market heats up. German wages and rents rise. Retired German doctors start considering the virtues of a flat in Lisbon overlooking the harbor. German consultancies hold seminars on “How to make your  Mediterranean town competitive in the new German Outsourcing Model.” (Karl Smith na revista Forbes).
"First, Portugal and Germany are not directly competing in so many export markets to a high degree.  So raising German wages and prices helps Portugal only somewhat.  Furthermore, the marginal propensity of Germans to spend, or the marginal propensity of German banks to lend, is not mainly directed toward the periphery.  Therefore the gradient of “how much inflation are Germans tolerating to get some real output effects in Portugal” is a steep one, much steeper than you would find within a traditional, one-nation, single currency area with geographically mobile money...(Tyler Cowen)

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