domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2014

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico. Praias fantásticas, comida boa e sensualidade à flor da pele. Mas o estado está falido, a precisar de resgate. Uma nova Grécia? " The global crisis that began in 2007/8 has unmasked many unsustainable economic dispositions. Unfortunately, the proper conclusions have still not been arrived at, as evidenced by the fact that the same old Keynesian recipes that have failed over and over again are being implemented on an even grander scale. One must not be misled by the claims of 'austerity' being imposed, as this has evidently little bearing on government spending as such, but is rather an attempt to squeeze more blood out of an already shriveled turnip, namely what remains of the private sector. Puerto Rico seems – at least so far – not any different in that respect... (Tyler Durden)

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