terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2015


Não sou grande fã de cartoons, mas acho imensa piada à série Dilbert da autoria do americano Scott Adams (1957) que era um economista da empresa tecnológica Pacifc Bell onde observou a burocracia e o absurdo da vida dos negócios que agora satiriza nas suas histórias. O cineasta David Cronenberg, numa entrevista à New York Magazine, reproduz uma conversa engraçada e filosófica entre o geek dos computadores Dilbert e o seu maldoso cão Dogbert que o manipula sem que ele se aperceba. "Speed is a new inteligence...If I told you the government was planning some sort of new program to benefit its citizens, your initial reaction might be, “uh-oh.” Governments aren’t smart. And the last thing you want from a dumb entity is “more.” Governments have smart people working for them. But when you sum up the parts of government, you get less than the whole, thanks to bureaucratic inefficiency, political in-fighting and whatnot. But what if that were about to change?" (Scott Adams blogue)

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