sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2019

Leilão de arte

EU aderi ao movimento DiEM 25 contra a corja de burocratas que estão na União Europeia. PRecisamos de ter um bom número de deputados para tentarem neutralizar os neo-liberais ditos socialistas, os fósseis ditos comunistas e os hipócritas do chamado Bloco de Esquerda com aquelas insignificâncias ridículas que o lideram. DiEM25 is changing the way we do politics and fund our campaigns. From our first day, we declared that we shall not be receiving money from bankers, Brussels, oligarchs and assorted vested interests – that we would struggle with whatever funding our activists could provide from their meagre resources. Today, faced with the uphill struggle of participating in the European Parliament elections across Europe, we proudly inaugurate a second source of funding: Our online fundraising art auction made possible by the donation of splendid works by remarkable artists we are lucky to count amongst DiEM25’s friends, comrades and supporters – Brian Eno, Alfonso Cuaron, Costa Varotsos, Hito Steyerl, Raul Martinez, Jonas Staal, Nikos Papadopulos and many, many others. A obra intitulada Rose é de Brian Eno.

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