sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2019

Trust CIA

Matt Taibbi

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MaisMatt Taibbi retweetou Glenn Greenwald
The CIA engages in drone assassination, rendition, torture, indefinite detention, and warrantless surveillance, in addition to a long history overturning democratic governments. If self-described “liberals” feel positively about the agency, “liberal” is a meaningless word.Matt Taibbi adicionou,

Glenn Greenwald
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Amazing: this new Fox poll shows the groups that most trust the CIA - THE CIA! - are liberals, Democrats & Clinton voters. 77% of Dems trust the CIA; only 22% don't. 64% of liberals trust CIA; 22% don't. This is the enduring sickness of Russiagate/MSNBC: …
12:05 - 10 de out de 2019

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