domingo, 5 de maio de 2013

Arame farpado

O estudante de arte Peter Pavlesnliy que costurou a boca para protestar contra o julgamento das Pussy Riot, decidiu agora envolver o corpo nu em arame farpado. Os polícias tentaram em primeiro lugar desembaraçá-lo do agressivo dispositivo e depois tiraram-no da praça onde alguns transeuntes fotografaram esta radical perfomance. E havia um manifesto contra a política repressiva do regime dirigido por Vladimir Putin.
"The action symbolizes man’s existence in a repressive legal system, where any movement causes severe reaction by the Law as it bites into the body of the individual. It is a metaphor of animal obedience, of “learned helplessness” that puts them into an animal enclosure of the state machine… In recent years, a series of laws were adopted aimed at suppressing civic activism, the tightening of control and intimidation of the population by the steadily growing number of political prisoners. The laws against foreign agents, the laws against extremism and the “propaganda” of homosexuality, the persecution of May 6 protesters, repression of writers and artists, Roskomnadzora’s activities, and the lawlessness of police – all this shows that the government seeks to turn people into tightly gaurded and gutless cattle, which is allowed only to work, consume and multiply.

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