domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015

Bad News

Bad news. O Irão anunciou ao mundo que tinha encontrado inesperadamente uma reserva de urânio. Não confio naquela história dos "fins pacíficos" que levou os americanos a fazer um acordo. Meteram o pé na argola.  "While we await for the Russian secret service to leak photos of Iran's Revolutionary Guard in Syria, thereby stirring the pot on the latest and greatest proxy war in the middle east, one which would promptly disintegrate any last remaining shred of "victory" from Obama's alleged coup in restoring relations with an Iran, which couldn't even wait for the signing of the "Nuclear" deal before turning its back on Obama and siding with Putin in Syria, we were particularly amused to learn that just yesterday Iran announced it has discovered an unexpectedly high reserve of uranium and will soon begin extracting the radioactive element at a new mine..."(Tyler Durder-Zero Hedge)

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